I provide sports brands and resorts based in the US and Europe with Polish translation services of their English and Spanish marketing materials and content, i.e., product and service description for brochures, leaflets, posters, social media and website content, as well as business cards.
For example:
- hotel information brochures,
- hospitality services description for a website,
- travel app content,
- sports apparel description for social media,
- running shoes description for a marketing campaign.
of English or Spanish non-certified written copies, e.g. letters, articles, blog posts, marketing materials
creating Polish subtitles for audiovisual materials: videos, movies, series, vlogs, PowerPoint presentations
creative translation of blog posts, marketing slogans and campaigns (including SEO)
linguistic revision
of copies written in Polish
linguistic and content-related revision
of copies translated into Polish
I work on marketing materials and content of the following fields:
- sports,
- travel,
- hospitality,
- cosmetics.
If you want me to help you with translation of your marketing content, please use the quotation form or send the files directly at dorota(at)przetlumacz(dot)eu.